Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We are now Firefighters Wives For Christ.

A couple reasons.... one, this makes us more inclusive.  Clovis Fire, County Fire, etc.  Two, we have to jump through a few hoops to use the FFD name and we don't want to put them on the spot for their approval.  Three, this is more in line with Firefighters For Christ.  My prayer, along with many others, is that Firefighters Wives For Christ will not only affect those that are directly involved (the wives)... our prayer is it will affect our husbands and our families as well, bringing more men into Firefighters For Christ, and growing both groups simultaneously.

Please be praying for this group of women.  Pray specifically for growth, for women to be encouraged in the Lord, and that God would use this group to do His will.

Thank you to all those who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be a part of something just getting started.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year....

For His Glory,
Jessi Silva

December 2nd Meeting

Here's the follow up from our meeting on 12/2...

We now have a contact at headquarters that will inform employees of the FFD Wives For Christ and offer our meal deliveries to anyone in need.  That is great news, because headquarters is a primary resource for that info when employees go on extended sick leave, have surgery, a new baby, etc.

We have decided as a serving opportunity during the Christmas season we are donating new or gently used childrens movies to Valley Childrens.  Their playroom is in need, and as the weather cools children cannot be outside as much.  So any kids movies, VHS or DVD (G and PG only) that you may have and are willing to part with, or new that you purchase will be donated.  They do not have to have the cases, we can provide protective cases.  Please let me know if you have any and I will arrange a pick up.  Thank you!!

The station 20 get together for the opening night of Christmas Tree Lane was a success!  There was a ton of food and laughter, and the kids loved the old antique fire rig!  Thank you to all who attended!  

We have a coffee date scheduled for Monday, the 13th, at 9:00AM.  It will be at the Starbucks at Willow/ Nees.  So come for some girl time to just relax and hang out!

Next monthly meeting will be January 7th @ 7:00, held in the conference room at Station 17.

There will be no play date this month due to everyone's crazy schedules for the holidays.  But we would like to plan one for next month.  So if anyone would like to host a play date please let me know!  You don't have to do anything but open up your home and toys for a few kids and wives.  :)

Prayer Requests: 
Please lift up Julia's friend Renee.  Her marriage is really under attack and she needs to be encouraged in the Lord.  Please pray for God's wisdom and comfort to pull her through.
If there are any other prayer requests, please let me know.  It can be anonymous from the group if you would prefer.  Also, I'd like to mention as I did at the meeting that prayer requests are to be held in confidentiality.  We want everyone to know that this is safe place for us to receive encouragement, be lifted up in prayer, and to see how God can work in the body of Christ when we choose to give Him the opportunity.

Thank you to those that took the time to come to the meeting, and looking forward to seeing you all again next month!!

"'For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
   neither are your ways my ways,'
            declares the LORD.
 'As the heavens are higher than the earth,
   so are my ways higher than your ways
   and my thoughts than your thoughts.'"
Isaiah 55:8-9